This Iron Maid has been made by turf scientist specifically to get you more colour out of your grass.
It is used only at the high end turf facilities around the world.
It packs some Nitrogen which will gives you leaf growth but its main ingredient and technology is in the specialised Formular of iron.
Iron maid to me is like adding Christmas lights to your tree. It simply just sends the lawn a different darker green.
I use this along with my Largo- Renaissance and protesyn.
If your chasing more colour get into this. It can also help you hold that green glow all winter if applied monthly.
Its superior Iron compound enables quick nutrient availability, extended duration of greening and has a low phytotoxicity which means it doesn’t Burn like other iron supplements.
This can be applied as a stand alone application or mixed with your monthly Largo and Renaissance mix.
Rates are 100-200ml per 100m2.
Use a water rate of 2-5Ltr. The lower the water rate the better.
Must be applied with a flat fan nozzle.
Product Information & Application Guidelines
Application Guidelines: Download
Label: Download
Safety Data Sheet: Download